Wednesday, March 30, 2011

That Feeling In Your Tummy

I am super hungry today. I've had all my meals, spaced them out appropriately and whatnot, but I am just famished. I'm not sure if this is due to my increased physical activity as of late or I'm just having a hungry day. So far, I've managed to stay mostly on track, though I have gone slightly over my calories already. (On Wednesdays I have class and don't get home until 10PM, so I eat a big lunch.) I guess the good thing is I'm not really craving anything bad, I just want to eat. I'm currently drinking my big glass of water to keep my hands and mouth busy, but this hunger is really beating me down today. I haven't felt ravenous like this since I started cutting my calories and eating healthy. Any ideas on what the issue might be? And any suggestions for low-calorie foods that will fill me up in the middle of the day?

Monday, March 28, 2011

I Hate 268.

Because every time I get on the scale that's what comes up. 268. 268. 268. If I didn't know my husband is truly afraid of me, I would think he had done something to the scale. It's been a week and half and it's still 268. My scale does that thing that the Biggest Loser scale does, where it hits on a bunch of different numbers before it gets to your weight. And that makes it worse! I see 262, 259, and then BAM! 2freaking68. I know that it will keep going down the more work I do, but it is so frustrating. You can only remind yourself of all of the non-visible accomplishments you have made before you need some concrete evidence. I mean I haven't had a candy bar or soda in FOUR WEEKS!! Doesn't that deserve at least a few pounds? I think my body is rebelling. It's saying, oh you want to deprive me of the sustenance I have come to expect? Then I will store every morsel you eat! Damn you body. Thankfully, some sanity will be restored, the scale is now safely tucked away in the trunk of the car, not to be stepped on until Friday. Hopefully, by then the scale will have come to it's senses and realized that I will drop kick it through the window if I don't get my way.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Success! Kind of?

I managed to get to the park on Thursday. Fortunately, it was freezing out, so there were very few people there. Unfortunately, it was freezing out and my hands were soooooo cold by the time I got finished. My sweater was also very awkward and I couldn't get it to zip up. I think I will be investing into some inexpensive runner's gear. Even when I'm walking I could use a more body hugging jacket, the sweater flaps uncontrollably even during a light walk.

As for the running...I was feeling pretty good, keeping my walking at a good pace. After six minutes, I started a light jog. My breathing was good but my calves were burning something fierce. The minute seemed to pass fairly quickly. Then the next time was up and I start to run again and the burning became intense. After that my walking started to slow and then after the third time, my feet feel asleep. Like sitting on the couch too long with your foot tuck underneath you asleep. I could barely feel them. So, I gave up the running and just concentrated on the walking (I may have given up completely if not for the needing to get to my car part). After about a 1/4 mile, my feet started perking back up and I did a slow jog down the last hill. From there, I walked the short distance to my car and spent a few minutes getting the feeling back.

So, I only managed to jog for about four minutes. Not great, but four minutes more than I've done before. I'm not giving up, though! I'm going to keep adding a few minutes of jogging in with my walking and start building up my endurance. All in all, the exercising has been making me feel great. But the problem has always been once I get out of the habit, I forget how great it feels. So, I just need to keep the momentum going. I'll keep you updated on the jogging progress!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Only When Being Chased By Cops or Dogs

This has always been my motto on running. If you aren't being chased, what's the point? The last couple of times I've been to the park, though, I've felt the urge to run. The last time I ran, well, I'm pretty sure I've never ran. Even as a child I didn't see the point. So, why now? Why do I feel the need to lace up some' do they have special shoes for running? Or can I just wear my sneakers? Anyway, so why now? I lost 40 pounds several years ago and never really felt the need to get all sweaty. But now, I feel like I want to be out of breath with my t-shirt drenched in sweat. Maybe I've be watching too much Biggest Loser. Who knows, but I think I'm going to take the plunge tonight. By plunge, I mean interspersing 10 minutes of running in with an hour of walking. At least that's what the websites I've been reading about running say I should do. I'm supposed to walk for 6 minutes and run for 1 minute. I should do this for a week and then next week I should walk for 5 and run for 2. And the 3rd week...well, you get the picture. I'm honestly not even that worried about physically being able to do it, I just don't want to look like a jackass. I see all of these people running at the park, like really running, like the whole 1 3/4 miles. And I just think if they saw my fat ass trying to hoof it around the place, they might pull an abdominal muscle from laughing so hard. I realize this shouldn't be of concern to me, but I've never claimed to be rationale. (If you've come here looking for sanity, there's a button at the top of the page you should probably push, it's called "next blog".)

So, hopefully, tomorrow I will have a triumphant tale of overcoming my fear of showing all things giggly to everyone in the park. That's if I manage not to break anything or die from an asthma attack (not that I'm making light of such things, I really do have asthma). But if I do, I'll be sure to have my husband give you all an update. Until then, here's to good thoughts for my shoes...really, someone, please tell me if I have to buy some sort of special footwear.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's the Most Important Meal of the Day...

...and the most difficult to work in. Getting to breakfast in my house is a feat. Besides that fact that I am NOT a morning person and the fact that my son likes to get up at 6AM every morning and my baby likes to eat at 6:30AM...well you can see mornings are not a fun time for me. My husband has to leave by 7:30 for work and if I haven't managed to fix my breakfast by then, it usually doesn't get done. But as anyone who has done even the minimal amount of research about weight loss knows, breakfast is an important aspect of that process. So, I have been persevering. I have stocked the house with healthy cereal, yogurt, fruit, Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Raisin Bread, and waffles. I realize oatmeal should be on that list, but that stuff is so gross. (My son loves it, though, go figure.) I, also, bake muffins one night a week to have ready for the next morning. So, seems like I have it all figured out, right? No, I'm totally bored. After only three weeks, I feel like I've eaten the same five meals for breakfast repeatedly. I want to go the grocery store and buy a box of pop tarts sooooooo bad. I will admit eating better in the mornings has made me feel less ravenous by 3PM (my witching hour where I want to tear the house apart and gnaw on anything that has sugar in it). But I'm finding it more difficult every day to want to get out of bed in time to get my food ready. Right now is the point when the newness is wearing off and the old drudgery is setting in. The first week, eating breakfast was exciting and "oh, this actually tastes good". By the 3rd week, it's become "yup, taste the same as the last 5 times I've eaten it". This is where it truly stops being a diet and starts becoming a lifestyle change. The day when I get up, make my breakfast, and don't even think about what I'd rather be eating is when it's become a healthy habit. Until I get to that point, though, I've got to make it over this hurdle. Any ideas for easy to make, yummy, not boring breakfasts?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stupid Scale

My name is Angela and I have a problem. That's right, I'm a scale-oholic. Ever since I started this thing (I've really got to come up with some clever name) I have been unable to stay off the scale. I've weighed myself everyday, some times multiple times a day. I know!! I'm driving myself crazy. I know that weight fluctuates. And I know that what you weigh in the morning may be lower than what you weigh at the end of the day. Every night when I've frustrated myself with multiple trips to the scale that have turned up spastic results, I go to bed saying I won't get on the scale until Friday (the day I've deemed my official weigh in day). But every morning, I can't resist. It's like the scale is taunting me. Calling to me. "Maybe you lost more weight, don't you want to find out." Aggghhhh, damn you scale!! I think I only have one choice. That's right. Put it in the trunk of my husband's car. If it's not here, then I can't be tempted, right? I can have him bring it up on Thursday evenings for my weigh-in on Fridays. Not a perfect plan, but I've got to do something. Every time I get on the scale and it appears I have gained a pound (only to lose it the next day, of course) I get discouraged, like maybe this is all for naught. But it's not for nothing. This takes time and willpower (which is why I'm left with no willpower to stop myself from getting on the scale). I need to focus on the benefits I'm receiving, not the weight I'm losing. Like the fact I haven't had trouble breathing when I go to bed. And how great I feel after taking the 1 3/4 mile walk around the park. I will beat this thing. If I've managed to quit Snickers cold turkey, then I can do this!

...but maybe just one more peek before I give it to my husband.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just Desserts

In case it wasn't clear from my last post, I have a sweet tooth. Candy, ice cream, cake, candy bars, name it and I love it. That's why I knew if I wanted to succeed in this lifestyle change (bleck, I hate that term, but what else is there)I had to find something to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings. Enter Yoplait. Yoplait makes these wonderfully delectable yogurt Whips. I don't know why whipping some extra air into yogurt makes it so freaking delicious, but it does! I love the chocolate mousse, the strawberry mist, the raspberry mousse, and my favorite, chocolate raspberry mousse. Though, I've been having quite the time finding the last one. These nightly treats help keep my insatiable desire for all things sugary at bay. I have recently found Granola Thins from Nature Valley, too. They are squares of granola with one side coated in chocolate. They aren't quite as satisfying as the Whips, but they have half the calories, so they come in handy on days when I've been less than diligent with my meals.

I really feel like these nightly snacks have been keeping me on track. I've never had a problem eating healthy food, my issue has always been with not eating the junk. And my bigger issue is stopping once I start. See, once I get a taste of the ooey gooey goodness, I can't get enough. I will eat and eat and eat until I pass out from a sugar coma. My willpower is crap. So until I get down in the pounds and my new healthy ways become habit, these treats will have to do.

No More Snickers

That is my mantra. No more Snickers. No more Snickers. Because Snickers are how I got here. Here in the land of 279 pounds. Obviously, they weren't the only way I got here, but they are responsible for a good 70-80 pounds. I love them, I can't help it. With their gooey caramel and melty chocolate. The salty peanuts mixing with all that sweetness. The man who created these is the devil! But no more. At least not until my willpower is stronger. See, the story goes...

I have always been overweight. I was pushing 200 pounds in high school, but I was always comfortable with myself. In my 20's I reached 220 and that is where I stayed for 10 years. That is my comfort zone. I looked good in clothes and I felt confident. At 29, all that confidence got me pregnant with my first child. Within a year and half, I moved in with the father, had my baby, fell in love with the father, and got married. (I know, I know, backwards, but that is for another blog.) All of these things made me happy and comfortable. And fat. I was 260 pounds within 6 months of having my baby. I stayed there until I got pregnant with my 2nd baby, when I got up to 285 pounds. After that birth, which was almost 6 months ago, I only managed to get down to 279.

I would love to say I have no idea how I got here, but the truth is, it's my husband's fault. He's just too nice and willing to do whatever I ask. While I was pregnant, I constantly wanted a late night snack of two candy bars and a root beer. And he obliged. (Ok, Ok, so it wasn't completely his fault, but it can't possibly be mine?! Can it?) And after I had the baby, he continued to oblige. And oblige and oblige. Until one day, while doing my checking register, I realized he had gone for late night runs for 16 DAYS IN A ROW. So not only was it hell on my thighs, it was hell on our wallet. I would love to say that was the turning point that got me to put down the Snickers and pick up the salad fork, but sadly no. I had further down the hill to slide. The actual turning point came one day while I was talking to my mom about my dad. We were discussing his health and his weight was brought up. My mom informed me that at his last appointment my dad weighed 287 pounds. I'm not even sure what happened during the rest of that conversation. I couldn't hear my mom through the ringing in my ears. My dad, a man on multiple medications that cause weight gain and who is unable to walk very far without an oxygen tank, weighed a mere 9 pounds more than me. His 33-year-old daughter.

The next day I found a calorie counting website and I made a change. So far, it's been 17 days and nary a Snickers bar. I have gone out walking 3-4 times each week and I'm taking this one meal at a time. I'm focusing my efforts on how I feel, rather than the number on the scale (though, I can't seem to stay off of that thing). I hope to give myself more accountability by putting myself out here in the blog-o-sphere. So join me on my journey. I can guarantee there will be slip ups and mistakes and possibly even a weight gain or two. But there will also be funny stories and triumphs. And most importantly, it will all be 100% real.